Jack and Jill's philosophy is based on our motto ‘loving to learn, learning through love’. Everything Kaiako do comes from a place of aroha. Out philosophy is based on 5 key priorities which are outlined below. These key priorities are the foundations for our tamariki, kaiako, whanau and wider community. Kaiako intentionally changed our philosophy over the past few years as we feel this now reflects a more genuine representation of our community and whanau that attend our service. We continue to revisit and make changes to our philosophy in consultation with whanau when required.
Jack and Jill Early Learning Centre’s Curriculum Priorities
Jack and Jill Early Learning Centre’s five main curriculum priorities outline what is important to the operation of our service with the reflection of the New Zealand Curriculum document “Te Whāriki”.
Aroha is a fundamental emotion for the foundation of a strong philosophy. As Kaiako work from a place of love, tamariki and whanau feel cherished and a strong sense of belonging. We treasure our mokopuna as they are our taonga. The evidence of aroha can be seen within the genuine interactions of kaiako have with our tamariki.
Jack and Jill view all tamariki as confident and capable learners; we trust them to know themselves, to make decisions, solve problems and to lead their own learning. Kaiako follow tamariki interests and empower and encourage tamariki to be active participants in their own learning. When tamariki are faced with a difficult situation or challenge, kaiako work closely with the tamaiti and scaffold them within these valuable learning opportunities.
Learning environment
Jack and Jill provide a culturally and ethically respectful learning environment focusing on the holistic development of our tamariki. Open ended resources are encouraged. Creativity and imaginative thinking is supported. Kaiako plan with each individual tamaiti interests at the heart of their planning process. Kaiako evaluate the learning journeys of each tamaiti and reflect on further learning opportunities for the tamariki.
Our kaiako strive to work collaboratively with whanau and acknowledge their aspirations for their tamariki. Kaiako weaves these practices into their teaching and learning (ako). The foundation of whanaungatanga is evident within the strong trusting relationships which have been built between kaiako and whanau. Whanau are consulted within all aspects of the service, some of which include: centre events, policy reviews, and up and coming changes. Parents and whanau are encouraged to actively participate in our service and share with us any concerns or feedback they have. Kaiako work hard to ensure that the pathway for communication between our service and our whanau are always open.
Cultural diversity
Jack and Jill recognise the diversity of cultures within our centre and the importance of celebrating and sharing these moments with each other. Our kaiako work together to welcome, value and respect the diversity regardless of ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status or gender differences. Kaiako incorporate Te reo maori and tikanga maori authentically within their teachings. Kaiako acknowledge that this is an area they continue to improve on both as individuals and as a collective.